Reasons for holding International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) by ABWA: Imani argued

دوشنبه, 13 خرداد 1398
Deputy of cultural affairs of AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly said, “According to the statute and ideology of the Assembly, which is the defense of Shia Islam and Shiites around the world with a focus on approximation without creating sensitivity, the per
Reasons for holding International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) by ABWA: Imani argued

The “International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.); Supporter of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)”, will be held, organized by the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly and with the cooperation of similar academic and cultural institutions.

Imam Hossein (a.s.) Holy Shrine”, Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) Research and Publishing Institute”, “The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought”, “Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy of Islamic Propagation Office”, “Al-Mustafa International University”, “Hawza Language teaching center”, “International University of AhlulBayt (a.s.)”, “Mirath-e Nabowat Cultural Institute”, “Jamiat al-Zahra Seminary University”, “Zorria al-Nabawia Research Center”, “Qasem ibn al-Hassan (a.s.) Religious-Cultural Institute”, and “Abna al-Rasoul Cultural and Artistic Institute”; international conference “Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.), Supporter of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)” are among the institutions that participate in holding this conference.

On this occasion, ABNA correspondent interviewed Deputy of cultural affairs of AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly and executive secretary of the “International Conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.); Supporter of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)”, Hojat al-Islam Dr. “Alireza Imani Moghaddam on the necessity of holding the conference by the Assembly.

ABNA: In your opinion, what is the necessity of holding the Abu Talib (a.s.) International Conference, and what was the motive of AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly for holding the conference?

Dr. Imani Moghaddam:
Regarding the necessity of a great International Conference on the personality of Abu Talib (a.s.), I must first say that we are obliged to propagate the religion of Islam and that Abu Talib is one of the staunch defenders of Islam and the holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) who brought this religion. “Who delivered the messages of Allah and feared Him, and feared none save Allah.” (Holy Quran 33:34). Therefore, one of the obvious examples of propagating the religion is introducing the character of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). Second, defending the oppressed; We are obliged to defend the oppressed, and holding this conference to introduce the character of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) is a clear example of the issue. Third reason is the expression of moral truths and values ​​that we have dealt with by introducing the dimensions of the personality of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). Fourth; Promoting the pure religious concepts and teachings that are hidden in the poems of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). Since Imam Ali said, “Teach the poems of my father, Abu Talib, to your youth and teenagers,” it is clear that in addition to outstanding literary aspects, these poems also have pure theological ideas. Fifth reason is the introduction of Abu Talib (a.s.) to the seminarians. Therefore, we insist that this conference be held among the seminaries, and thus more invitations were distributed among the seminaries. Because, unfortunately, this great figure is not known as he should be among the seminarians, and many scholars are still unfamiliar with the various aspects of the life of this great supporter of the Prophet (p.b.u.h).

On the other hand, regarding international point of view, according to the statute and ideology of the Assembly, which is the defense of Shia Islam and Shiites around the world with a focus on approximation without creating sensitivity, the personality of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) can be a common face and a source of unity and cohesion among the Islamic Ummah. Today, there are nearly two billion Muslims around the world, the vast majority of whom have no problem with Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). Sometimes silly thoughts have been found that have raised doubts about the religion and beliefs of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). However, the majority of the Sunni community and all Shiites acknowledge his true faith and belief. Therefore, holding this conference can be the basis for the synergy of the Islamic Ummah and the proximity of religions and the creation of unity between the Shiite and Sunni communities.

ABNA: What are the most important doubts that have been raised about Abu Talib (a.s.) and what answer should be given?

Dr. Imani Moghaddam:
There are Mutashabih (allegorical) verses from the Holy Quran that are the basis for the suspicion of the unbelief of Abu Talib (a.s.) and the personal grudges that some enemies of Islam had against Imam Ali (a.s.) also had against his father.

Among the verses that these people have cited is the verse, “إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِي مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَهْدِي مَن يَشَاءُ”: “Surely you cannot guide whom you love, but Allah guides whom He pleases” (Holy Quran: 28:56). Following this verse, some biased people have fabricated a narration and attributed it to the Prophet (p.b.u.h) that the Prophet (p.b.u.h) really wanted his uncle Abu Talib (a.s.), his friend and supporter, to believe in Islam and become a Muslim, but he did not accept. The verse was revealed not to try in vain! “إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِي مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ”: (Surely you cannot guide whom you love). In exegesis of this verse, we can see many doubts raised in some Tafsir books. The other verse is: “وَ هُمْ يَنْهَوْنَ عَنْهُ وَ يَنْأَوْنَ عَنْهُ” (And they forbid (men) from it and avoid it) (Holy Quran: 6:26). God says in this verse: Some, keep people away from the Prophet (p.b.u.h) while they themselves stay away from the Him. That is, they are unfamiliar to the moral and ideology of the Prophet (p.b.u.h). Some people applied these verses to Abu Talib (a.s.) and created suspicion and said that because he did not believe, the Day of Judgment he will be in Hell but will not burn directly there. They put Abu Talib in a jar and throw that jar into the fire of hell. These are the suspicions they have fabricated. They say, “Abu Talib (a.s.) will be placed in a jar and that jar will be thrown into the fire of hell.” These are the suspicions they have fabricated.

Regardless of the doubts, it seems that there are personal hatred and resentment with Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). I have repeatedly discussed with Sunni scholars during the Hajj season. Especially in Medina and next to the Baqi, graveyard of the Imams, where there is more room for discussion. One of their scholars asked, “Why do you pilgrimage Abu Talib (a.s.)? He did not believe in the Prophet (p.b.u.h)”. I said that according to history, he believed in the Prophet and the religion of Islam, but in order to save the life of the Prophet, he hid his faith so that he could better defend the Prophet. But he insisted that he did not believe. But he insisted that Abu Talib did not believe in Islam. I said, “O Sheikh; You are a man of books and knowledge. So, you must know from whom this poem is: “و أَبیَضُ یُستَسقَی الغمامُ بِوَجهِهِ ثمالُ الیَتامى عِصمَةٌ لِلأَرامِلِ”.” (The white face that whenever thirst overcomes us, whenever famine overpowers Mecca, we mediate his shining face between ourselves and God, and God provides us for the sake of him.) I read the verse from the Lamie poem of Abu Talib (a.s.) and asked, “What is the meaning of this verse of the poem? The owner of this face is the one who shelters the widows, orphans and the poor.” He replied, “Obviously, this poem is by Abu Talib (a.s.).” I turned to the crowd and asked, “I swear to God, is it reasonable for someone, who praised the Prophet of God (p.b.u.h) in this way, not to believe in the Prophet (p.b.u.h) himself?” Then that Sunni scholar compromise his position and stated, “According to a weak narration, Abu Talib (a.s.) was a believer and believed in Islam, but the famous narrations say that he did not believe!”

I turned to the people who were there and said, “No! The incurable pain is elsewhere! If Abu Talib (a.s.) was the father of other of the Sahaba (Companions of the Prophet), you would not be so hostile to him. All your resentment is because Abu Talib (a.s.) is the father of Ali (a.s.).” So, apart from the verses that have caused suspicion, the personal hatred of Nawasib has also fueled these animosities, which, unfortunately, we see today as a symbol and manifestation of it among Wahhabis. In addition to the character of Abu Talib (a.s.), the great role of his honorable wife, Lady Fatemeh Al-Assad, as the Prophet’s guardian should also be considered. Fortunately, there is no doubt about her faith and her guardianship and support for the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and this issue is agreed upon by all Islamic sects.

ABNA: What is the necessity of cooperation of different institutions and organizations to hold the conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.)?

Dr. Imani Moghaddam:
The economic problems in the whole country due to the oppressive sanctions of the West have created various restrictions and have affected all the economic activities of the country. In addition, cultural organizations have faced budget problems and have been neglected, and unfortunately, the greatest pressure is on cultural organizations and the cultural activities of the assembly are no exception. Therefore, we have to call on other international cultural institutions, such as the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, the Al-Mustafa International University, or other centers that do not have an international strategy but have international concerns, such as the Supreme Council of Seminary, Islamic Development Organization, Islamic Propagation Office and somehow them in the conference. The same is true for the offices of the Ulama (Islamic Scholars) and the great Sources of Emulation, who really cooperate in this field. The reason why we go to the international centers is because each center takes its responsibility and acknowledges that it is also responsible for this important task.

When we met with Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, he said, "Forty years have passed since this Alawite movement and revolution attributed to the Amir al-Mu'minin (Imam Ali) – Iran's Islamic Revolution – but we did not hold a proper international conference for his noble father, and this is not good for us." We met the head of the office of Grand Ayatollah Sistani, Hojat al-Islam Shahrestani. He first joked, "Abu Taleb (a.s.) is our ancestor, not yours. So, if you try to honor him, we will appreciate it and we will help in this regard." Then he added, "We are also participating and we are obliged to help if a conference is held." Grand Ayatollah Nouri Hamedani, Grand Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani and other gentlemen also made some promises and some of them took practical and worthy actions.

Therefore, the participation of international institutions is a necessity; for, each of them to take responsibility, and on the other hand, the Assembly alone cannot hold a proper and appropriate conference.

ABNA: Lamie Poem and other poems of Abu Talib (a.s.) are famous in the history of Islam. Please explain about this aspect of the Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.).

Dr. Imani Moghaddam:
He was a scholar and apart from being the uncle of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) and the son of Abd al-Muttalib, he was a powerful poet and an educated writer, and his poems have the necessary sobriety and strength. It is worthwhile to study the poems of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) in the specialized fields of Arabic literature. It has both the peak of literary rhetoric and eloquence and contains epistemological points. They are both at the height of literary rhetoric and contain theological points. Imam Ali says, “Teach my father’s poems to your children” because Abu Talib’s poetry is not like vain poems, but they have many points of knowledge. I mentioned a verse of those poems which introduces the face of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) as a refuge for the poor and a cry for the oppressed. On the other hand, Hazrat Abu Talib is one of the few people who benefited from the knowledge of writing in the “Ignorance Era” and knew how to read and write Arabic. In an exegesis book attributed to Ibn Abbas, it is repeatedly stated that, for example, no one has used a specific word, but since Abu Talib used it in his poem, it is true. That is, his poems have been the benchmark of accuracy in Arabic literature.

Abu Talib’s poetry is discussed in two ways and in this conference, his poems are examined from two angles. The first is the critique and recognition of his poems; and the second is poems written by other poets and writers about Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). The “conference call” states that people who write in any of these issues can participate in the conference. Participants can submit articles to the conference in the sections of translation, critique, description and explanation of the poems of Abu Talib (a.s.). Because their poems are full of deep meanings and difficult words. The wording of the poems of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) belongs to 14 centuries ago and requires those who have studied poetry and are linguists to make a special effort on this issue. Therefore, one of the four main committees of the conference is the Poetry and Literature Commission.

ABNA: Please explain the process of holding the conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) from the beginning until now.

Dr. Imani Moghaddam:
At the beginning of 2018, the first phase of the conference began and the main issue was raised in the Council of Deputies of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly that the two figures were the companion and helper of the Prophet; One is the honorable wife of the Prophet (p.b.u.h), Hazrat Khadijeh (a.s.), and the other is her noble uncle, Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). At that meeting, Ayatollah Akhtari said that appropriate programs had been held abour Hazrat Khadijeh. Because she, as the wife of the Prophet and Umm Al-Mu’minin, is the common face of the Muslim Ummah (Shia and Sunni). But no program has been held about Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) as much as it has been held for Hazrat Khadijeh. Therefore, among these two nobles, we prioritize Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.).

After discussing the issue in the meeting, we learned that under the supervision of Hojat al-Islam Sabahi, an institution in Qom has held appropriate programs in this regard and has researched several volumes of books about Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.). Finally, work began, and in mid-2018, during the visit of the (then) Secretary General of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly to Qom and a meeting with Ayatollah Arafi in the Seminary Management Council, the issue was raised and Ayatollah Arafi promised that he would invite international institutions to cooperate for the conference. But for some reasons they were not invited. Last year, the Supreme Council of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly approved that the Secretary General should make arrangements for the holding of this international conference. Work began and Ayatollah Yousefi Gharavi took over as the academic secretary of the conference and began meetings with four specialized committees. Committees of History, Theology, Poetry and Literature, and the Writers. The secretariat of the conference was placed in the cultural deputy of the assembly and the head of its secretariat is Hojat al-Islam Jafari Farahani and the responsible and executive secretary is the cultural deputy of the assembly. So far, we have had good meetings with Sources of Emulations, dozens of books have been researched and ready to be published, several more than these books, articles from different countries of the world have been submitted to the secretariat and have been discussed in the academic committee. Therefore, we hope that a worthy and commendable conference will be held in Qom. May we be subject to the grace and intercession of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) and his infallible children.

ABNA: Apparently, the conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) was supposed to be held Simultaneously with the “Seventh General Assembly of the World Assembly of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS)". Why was the conference delayed?

Dr. Imani Moghaddam:
First, in the Supreme Council raised the issue that it is good to hold the conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) in 2018 on the sidelines of the 7th session of the Assembly. There was a similar experience in the 6th Assembly, on the sidelines of which the “International Conference of Imam Sajjad Zin al-Abedin (a.s.)” was held. However, this was opposed for some reasons, because on the one hand, the meeting has its own plans and goals, and on the other hand, the Assembly is specific to the followers of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) (Shiites), while the authors of the articles for Abu Talib (a.s.) are from different religions of the Islamic world. For this reason, the subject of the conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) would be overshadowed and would not been appropriately held.

On the other hand, the guests of the 7th Assembly are only Shiite representatives, but the Abu Talib (a.s.) conference is for both Shiites and Sunnis, and many of those who have defended the faith and character of Abu Talib (a.s.) are Sunni scholars, and they have no place in the General Assembly of AhlulBayt (a.s.) assembly, but they will be invited to the conference of Abu Talib (a.s.) and their presence will be appreciated, InshaAllah.

The next point is that the General Assembly is usually held in Tehran or Mashhad. But we insist to hold the conference of Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.) in the context of the Seminary and among seminarians on Qom so that the professors, scholars and intellectuals of the seminary become more familiar with him. Therefore, the reason for this delay is that the conference will be held after the seventh general assembly of the AhlulBayt World the Assembly in Qom and the seminarians will be able to participate in it.

ABNA: How will the Academic products of the conference be published?

Dr. Imani Moghaddam:
We hope that a “thirty-volume encyclopedia” of all the researched books as well as the top articles presented in the conference, will be published as a memorial the conference and will fill its place in the libraries of the scholars of the world.

We have also negotiated with “Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences (Noor)” to provide conference publications in the form of software based on the memorandum between the Assembly and that center.

ABNA: Thank you for your time.


It should be mentioned that by the initiation of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly, and support and cooperation of the similar institutions, including, “Imam Hossein (a.s.) Holy Shrine”, “Hazrat Aboutaleb Research and Publishing Institute”, “The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought”, “Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy of Islamic Propagation Office”, “Al-Mustafa International University”, “Hawza Language teaching center”, “International University of AhlulBayt (a.s.)”, “Mirath-e Nabowat Cultural Institute”, “Jamiat al-Zahra Seminary University”, “Zorria al-Nabawia Research Center”, “Qasem ibn al-Hassan (a.s.) Religious-Cultural Institute”, and “Abna al-Rasoul Cultural and Artistic Institute”; international conference “Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.), Supporter of the Great Prophet (p.b.u.h)” will be held on Rajab 25, 26 and 27, 1442 (March 9, 10 and 11, 2021) on the anniversary of the death of Abu Talib (a.s.).

The deadline for submitting academic works and articles to this conference has been extended until February 18, 2021.

To receive the academic call of the conference, click 

The other program which will be held on the sideline of the conference is the “General Festival of Poetry about Hazrat Abu Talib (a.s.)”.

To receive the academic call for the Poetry Festival, click 

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