The most magnificent World Quds Day/ Zionist regime experiencing the worst situation/ Zionism; loser of Iran-Saudi agreement: Rashed

پنج شنبه, 24 فروردين 1402

The deputy for international affairs of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly stated, “Shiite and Islamic institutions and centers will commemorate World Quds Day this year in different scenes and formats.”

ABWA Official Website – Quds Day or World Quds Day is the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, which the late Imam Khomeini announced on August 7, 1979, as an official day to support the Palestinian people. On this day, Imam Khomeini called on all the Muslims of the world to join together and unite to cut off the hand of the Zionist regime and its supporters from Palestine.

Announcing the last Friday of Ramadan as Quds Day by the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) was supported by many intellectuals and artists, and today, in addition to Iran, marches, and ceremonies of Quds Day are held in different countries of the world.

On the occasion of this important day, ABNA News Agency interviewed Dr. Abdul Reza Rashed, the Deputy for International Affairs of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly, which follows:


ABNA – Why do Muslims pay special attention to World Quds Day?

Rashed – On the eve of World Quds Day, first we should honor the memory and name of Imam Khomeini (r.a.), who was the creator of this holy and important day. The late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) took important measures at turning points in history, the results of which can be seen today. One of the initiatives of the late Imam was to name the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as World Quds Day; a day that symbolizes the confrontation of the truth against the oppressor, and the oppressed against arrogance.

Due to the presence of al-Aqsa Mosque, the Bayt al-Muqaddas (or Bayt al-Maqdis) is of great value and importance from the revelation and Islamic point of view. Quds is important because this holy land was the place of life and mission of many divine prophets, the first qibla of Muslims, and the place of the heavenly Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h). The land has special religious significance for Jews and Christians too.

God placed Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine and blessed it according to the Quran. About Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Surah Al-Isra', it is said “سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَىٰ بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلًا مِنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الْأَقْصَى الَّذِي بَارَكْنَا حَوْلَهُ لِنُرِيَهُ مِنْ آيَاتِنَا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْبَصِيرُ” (Immaculate is He who carried His servant on a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose environs We have blessed, that We might show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He is the All-hearing, the All-seeing) (Holy Quran, Surah: Al-Isra', Verse: 1). Therefore, this mosque is part of the most important beliefs of Muslims, and Muslims value this holy place.

Since 1967, that is, since the occupation by the Zionists, Bayt al-Muqaddas (Jerusalem) has been declared the eternal capital of Israel. All eyes are on Quds and the hearts of Muslims and Christians beat for it. Therefore, the Jews are trying to create a history for themselves and have focused all their efforts on Judaizing it, claiming that the “Western Wall” (or Wailing Wall) belongs to them. Considering its importance and location, Quds should be considered one of the most important and sensitive cities in the world. In such a way that it has now become the main cause and basis of the conflict between the usurping regime of Israel on the one hand, and Muslims, especially the residents and the main owners of Jerusalem and the occupied territories, on the other hand.

The main reason for the importance of this city is that it is the center of three heavenly religions, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. This common point expresses and embodies the Islamic point of view and is different from the point of view of other religions. God placed Al-Aqsa Mosque in this city, blessed it, and chose it to be the point of contact and communication between the three heavenly religions. However, the Judaization policy, the construction of Jewish settlements, and the hoarding and destruction of Islamic and revelatory works and symbols, along with other expansionist and racist policies of this regime, which are currently happening in Bayt al-Muqaddas (Jerusalem), are strongly in conflict with the identity, nature, and true meaning of this holy city.

Currently, Quds is facing two basic issues: religious and legal issues. Regarding the legal aspect, it should be said that Quds is an occupied city and the resolutions of the United Nations call for the withdrawal of the usurping Israeli forces from the occupied territories, including Quds. On the other hand, from the religious aspect, it should be said that Quds is a symbolic city for Muslims and at the same time Christians, and it cannot be considered as belonging to the Jews absolutely; let alone that they are some greedy Jews who have sinister Zionist and expansionist views.

ABNA – What are the duties of Muslims against the fake Israeli regime?

Rashed – According to Quranic teachings and hadiths, every Muslim is obliged to fight and resist oppression and tyrants and help the oppressed. These days coincide with the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Ali (a.s.). In the last moments of his honorable life, Imam Ali (a.s.) bequeathed to his sons Imam Hasan (a.s.) and Imam Hussain (a.s.), as well as to all Muslims and Shiites, “کونا للظّالم خصماً و للمظلوم عوناً” (Be an enemy to the oppressor and a helper to the oppressed). Therefore, the duty of all of us is to stand against arrogance and help the Muslim people of Palestine. One of the symbols of helping the Palestinians is participating in the World Quds Day march, and it is a wajib for all of us to participate in the march. We must rush to the aid of the oppressed Palestinian people in different scenes, and we should not assume this is a small task, but it is a very big action.

World Quds Day is a symbol of the confrontation of the truth against falsehood, and the oppressed against the tyrant. Today, the obvious symbol of global arrogance is the occupying Zionist regime, and on the other hand, the clear symbol of oppressed is the oppressed Palestinian people. For years, the oppressed people of Palestine have been fighting with their bare hands against the heavily armed Zionist regime. Today, thanks to the efforts of General Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, the Resistance Axis is much stronger and more coherent than it was in the early days. Today, fortunately, the Resistance Front has formed around the occupying regime, and they can carry out operations simultaneously. It is very gratifying and important that the Resistance Front in different countries, such as Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, and other countries, is a very coherent front and the occupier regime is aware of this fact. Therefore, our duty is to help the Resistance Front.

On the other hand, according to Islamic international law (or the principle of non-recognition of illegitimate institutions), any interaction with the Zionist regime is prohibited, and the only solution to the Palestinian issue is resistance and struggle.

According to religious teachings, all governments and nations should form a united front against the tyranny of the United States and the Zionists dominating it, as well as the American government. Surely, Muslims will succeed in fighting against the Zionists only if they have faith and trust in God.

Today, while the Islamic world and Muslim people and nations are neglecting, the Zionist regime is seeking to take over Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque and is seeking to weaken the Palestinians as much as it can.

Therefore, according to the words of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, “All nations should make demands from their governments regarding the Palestinian issue. Islamic Ulama should ask their governments to pursue the Palestinian issue. This is one of the most important tasks.”

In another speech, he said, “The solution to the Palestinian issue is not imposed and false one. The only solution to the Palestinian issue is for the real people of Palestine - not the usurping and occupying immigrants - whether those who stayed inside Palestine or those who are outside the country, to determine the ruling system of their own country. If the claimants of democracy in the world believe in relying on the votes of a nation, the Palestinian nation is also a nation and should decide.

I researched a lot about the roadmaps for Palestine and realized that the most important and best roadmap was presented by the Supreme Leader. On the one hand, he listed duties for the Palestinian people and the people of the Resistance Axis countries, and on the other hand, he stated duties for the Islamic countries. He said that the duty of the Palestinian people is to fight and resist, and the duty of Islamic countries is to help and support them. He announced the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran as supporting any anti-Zionist movement and pointed out ways such as struggle, resistance, holding a referendum, and helping the Palestinian people. The Supreme Leader’s prediction is that Palestine will be liberated soon.

Therefore, the solution to the Palestinian issue is: First, Muslims must be united and coherent; Second, the Palestinians must be on the scene diligently and continue to fight unceasingly; Third, Islamic countries should support the Palestinians, and like the Islamic Republic of Iran, Palestine should always be on the foreign policy agenda of Islamic countries.

ABNA – What is your opinion about the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime by some regional countries? What negative consequences does this have for the Islamic world and the cause of Palestine?

Rashed – Since the occupation of Palestine by the Zionist regime, some Arab leaders, with the aim of replacing negotiation instead of fighting the usurpers, intended to compromise with them to free Al-Quds. At the same time, by studying history, we realize that the so-called negotiation has always been a strategy for Zionism and its supporters to get closer to their goals in the region.

In this regard, the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) stated, “Muslim nations should think about saving Palestine. They should announce to the world their disgust and hatred for the compromise of shameful and treacherous leaders who, in the name of Palestine, have ruined the aspirations of the people of the usurped lands and the Muslims of the region. They should not let these traitors go to the negotiating table and harm the dignity and prestige of the heroic Palestinian nation.”

Since the establishment of the Zionist regime, the normalization of relations with Arab and Islamic countries has always been on the agenda of the political leaders of the regime, and it has been followed to prevent isolation and create legitimacy, and ultimately pave the way to dominate these countries. Although the Zionist regime initially used several tools to get out of isolation, it continued to focus on a new level of desirable goals by relying on various political, technological, military, security, and economic mechanisms, and in the framework of compromise agreements or direct or indirect treaties with different Arab-Islamic countries, followed it in a purposeful way. The normalization of relations has been designed and implemented by the Zionists to destroy the culture, civilization, values, and beliefs of these countries, as well as to create the foundations and roots of domination over them.

In recent years, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution has repeatedly taken a stand against the normalization of relations between several Arab countries and the Zionist regime, describing it as a betrayal of Islam and Muslims.

Ben Gurion, former Israeli Prime Minister, admits “An anti-Muslim government has been established in the Holy Land of Palestine to control the Islamic world and prevent it from gaining power, and to ensure European domination over the Islamic world.” This statement is seen both in historical documents and has been repeated in the words of former Israeli officials.

Israel’s only function is to prevent the unity of the Islamic world. Because for Westerners, the unity of the Islamic world reminds the memory of three powerful empires; namely, the Ottoman Empire, which ruled a large part of the world for about 700 years; the Safavid Empire; and the Timurid Empire which ruled the Indian subcontinent. To prevent such power from rising again, a special role has been assigned to the Zionist regime.

The main indicator for the unity of Muslims is the Palestinian Cause, and the more serious Muslims are to achieve the rights of the Palestinians, the more the Islamic unity will be strengthened. In recent years, during the presidency of Donald Trump, the Arab countries of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco normalized relations with the Israeli regime. Now, the Biden administration plans to expand the agreement to normalize relations between Arab countries and the Zionist regime to more countries. Therefore, according to the statements of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, “These states must return from this anti-Islamic movement and way and make up for their big mistake.”

Unfortunately, in some countries, we see the normalization of relations with the occupying regime. But if there is a space for the people of those countries, they will declare their disgust with the regime, and we will soon witness that Muslims will be united against the usurper regime.

Muslim governments should prohibit interaction with the Zionist regime according to international law. They should not have anything to do with this fake state. The only solution to the Palestinian issue is resistance. Resistance is a healing prescription to confront the occupying regime. Therefore, there is no other way but to fight and resist, and we hope that both statesmen and Muslim people of Islamic countries will realize the importance of this struggle and resistance.

We must pay special attention to supporting Palestine and fighting Zionism and its supporters, and this is our basic duty. It is necessary for us to unite against the occupation regime. All Muslim nations and governments must stand united against the oppression of the United States and Zionism.

ABNA – Considering the difficult conditions that the Zionist regime is facing today, how do you evaluate the impact of re-establishing relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia on the unity of Muslims against the Zionist regime and the freedom of Quds?

Rashed – The governments of the world considered the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia in favor of greater security and peace in the region and supported it, and most experts and analysts believe that the biggest loser of this agreement is the Zionist regime. For about three years, to create a security-military coalition against Iran and the Resistance Axis, the Zionists are advancing a plan called Abraham Accords in the region. But now they see their efforts and plans lost. In fact, for the Zionist regime, which in advancing its anti-Iranian project, the most important thing was the presence of Saudi Arabia in the Accords, now everything suddenly turned upside down. The officials of the regime look at the agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia with shock, and it has caused the officials and politicians of the regime to get angry and blame each other for this issue.

Agreements to normalize relations between the UAE and Bahrain, and the Zionist regime were signed, and the White House refers to them as the Abraham Accords. After that, Maghreb and Sudan also joined them. Of course, the situation of the Zionist regime today is very fragile, so we are witnessing demonstrations of 130 thousand of people in various cities of the occupied territories. Therefore, today the Zionist regime is in the worst condition of weakness. We hope that all Muslims will stand against the occupying regime with unity of heart and belief so that we can take back this religious and cultural geography from the Zionists, and Muslims, with empathy, cohesion, unity of axes, and countries of Resistance, can heal from this stab in their back, and eliminate this cancerous tumor, which has been planted in the West Asian region. I hope we will witness the fulfillment of the promise of the annihilation of the occupying regime according to the opinions of the late Imam Khomeini (r.a.) and the Supreme Leader of the Revolution.

Therefore, the Zionist regime sought to normalize relations with Islamic countries, creating tension and breaking their relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. But now, after years of effort and expense, the matter has been reversed. Islamic countries, understanding the realities of political developments, and the weakening and internal decay of the Zionist regime, as well as the principled policies of the Islamic Republic, have turned to normalize relations with Iran.

ABNA – As the Deputy for International Affairs of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly, please explain the plans of the AhlulBayt (a.s.) followers around the world on Quds Day.

Rashed – All over the world, we see that Islamic institutions and centers, and even Christian and Jewish ones, are preparing for World Quds Day, a day when humanity gathers against global arrogance.

For AhlulBayt (a.s.) followers, as far as we know, in most countries of different continents, they and Islamic and Shiite institutions are preparing to commemorate this great day. This year we will witness the most magnificent commemoration of World Quds Day. Because Israel is in a state of weakness and desperation, and party and internal differences have arisen between Zionist officials, this regime is weaker than before. On the other hand, we are witnessing the awakening of the Islamic ummah. Muslim people consider World Quds Day as an important symbol of right against wrong.

The AhlulBayt (a.s.) World Assembly is associated with numerous institutions and centers, and as far as we are informed, this year’s Quds Day will be very grand in various countries. Shiite and Islamic institutions and centers will honor this day in different scenes and formats. If it is not possible to march on Quds Day in a country, the AhlulBayt (a.s.) followers will gather or hold exhibitions and celebrate World Quds Day in different ways.

ABNA – In the end, if there is any point, add it.

Rashed – Defending Quds means trying to preserve a part of the Islamic identity of Muslims. Quds is a front line, the loss of which will cause a breach in Islamic identity. Today, if Zionists are let to swallow the Quds, it will not be unlikely that they, who have shown that they are targeting Islam as a whole, not just Jerusalem and Palestine, will soon invade other Islamic borders, such as Mecca and Medina.

Defending Quds means defending a nation against being oppressed. Today, if we don’t rescue the Palestinian nation from being oppressed, a day will come soon when Zionists, by creating division among Muslim and Arab countries, will deal with each and every one of them, and usurp all the holy places and capitals of Islam, bastion by bastion, without facing any resistance even for a moment.

Therefore, today we must stand up for the salvation of Quds and Palestine so that we don’t let our tomorrow become like today’s Palestine; the land, which in the early days of Jewish immigration, did not imagine that the day would come when its people would be displaced like this, and their streets would be named with Hebrew and racist names. Just as the death squads entered the streets and alleys of Palestine in the early years of the occupation, during the past 7 years, they sent Takfiri death squads to the streets and alleys of Islamic countries to mark the beginning of another usurpation.

But what thwarted the impure hands of disbelief has been the spirit of resistance and persistence that today stands ready against the criminal Zionists and does not allow them and their puppets to reach out to Islamic countries. What we can do is the popular presence in the march of Word Quds Day, which is the biggest support of the resistance fighters in the jihad fields.

ABNA – Thank you for your precious time.


بنیاد بین المللی عاشورا

«بنیاد بین‌المللی عاشورا» مؤسسه‌ای غیر دولتی و غیر انتفاعی است که به منظور گسترش فرهنگ حیات‌بخش و حماسه‌آفرین عاشورا و ایجاد جریان مستمر و پویا در حوزۀ بسط و گسترش سیرۀ حضرت امام حسین (ع) و زنده نگه داشتن فرهنگ عاشورا از سال ۱۳۹۳ هجری شمسی زیر نظر «مجمع جهانی اهل بیت (علیهم‌السلام)» شروع به فعالیت کرده و سعی دارد در این راه با بهره‌گیری از ابزارهای نوین علمی، پژوهشی، فرهنگی، هنری، مطبوعاتی، تبلیغاتی و فضای مجازی و با خلق آثار برجسته و نیز گسترش فعالیت‌ها و خدمات علمی و فرهنگی و مشارکت بیش از پیش علما و اندیشمندان جهان اسلام و تشیّع گام بردارد.

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